The Mid South 2024 - The Brandon Baker Experience
Our very own Brandon Baker took on The Mid South 2024 Gravel Race. Brandon has been riding and supporting our brand from the very beginning. He also happens to be one of the fastest riders in the country. There was a high likelihood that he would be on the podium at the end of the race, but that will have to wait till next year. These are Brandon's words regarding his first Mid South experience.

Dejected and happy.
These two powerful feelings were clouding my mind as I crossed the finish line, well behind the race that I and mentally prepared to fight for a good finish.
After a eventful trip driving out east from us. Having a breakdown in New Mexico, being sleep deprived from driving into the early morning, stressing about just making these - we were all relieved just to be there.
My race - I was excited to line up for my first major race in sometime. Having had a descent run up with training, the time to show it was here. And it didn’t last long. My front tire went soft rolling to the start. Panicked, I rolled back, filled it and went back of the line, watching my competitors on rollers, getting ready to just hammer us all. I made my way to the front, and started feeling the tire go again. As I was planning my stop to add air, my seat hardware malfunctioned (no, that’s never happened to me) so I watched as the field I so strongly wanted to compete with blasted away as I reattached my saddle.
I also used that time to fix my flat (tube) and contemplate if should just call it. As I looked out on the beautiful red hills, I felt a moving feeling of being thankful to just be here. So, I soloed 80 miles to the finish, not receiving one draft, made one wrong turn in the process, but left an effort I was happy with rolling over the timing band.
It’s been a long road over these past year with life and family changes. It was great to feel fit and fast once more. Yet difficult to feel proud when the effort nets me seemingly nothing. That mindset won’t get me anywhere.
Dejected, but happy have the opportunity to be race.
I was reminded of a quote by Mike Creed while rolling back to the rig after finishing: 3 blocks away from the event- no one cares how I did. Life rolls on and I was happy to share an entertaining weekend with good friends. On to the next.
Instagram: @_bakerbrandon